Irology,  Pets,  Vino

Ellie & Konni

“She loved All People & All Dogs”…

That was a description that his future mother-to-be saw on the adoption page where she first saw the bright and shy eyes you see in these photos. they do not reflect the resilience that she had to learn from her first interaction with humans. Schnauzer mix, She was born May1rst 2020 in Hungary and arrived at the shelter at only 8 weeks old where she received the name Hellie. Her owner Konni, who had lost her beloved pet a year earlier, recognized by seeing her as Ellie.

Now she lives with her new family in a German village (Holzhausen) and enjoys long walks in the forest, lots of physical activity, a warm bed and a lot of unconditional affection like the one pets offer us.

~What Vino we sipped ?

In our photo shoot, Konni and I tasted a South Eastern Australian 2020 Chardonnay 🍷, dry, with intense aromas and flavor of ripen tropical fruits, peach, banana, honey and vanilla. Smooth, creamy and full bodied. 13%vol.
So far, my go to favorite, inexpensive & accessible supermarket wine. A great example of a wine that taste expensive but is Not 😉

I hope this post has inspired you to make a toast in honor of your Furfriends with your favorite wine or the one you have at hand.

Already relaxed on the set

I must confirm that Ellie very accurately represents her caption profile. During our photo shoot, there was no barking or uncomfortable behavior despite it being her first time in front of cameras. Her story makes me think about the potential we don’t see in others beyond circumstances. Of the things that we would like others to see in us beyond the first impression and of all the limitations that this dynamic interposes in the genuine connection with other living beings. Have you ever reflected on that? If You did feel free to leave us a comment on your thoughts. 🍀

~Stoicism Lesson~

” Every rational person can convert any obstacle into the raw material for their own purpose. “

Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 8.35 (16th .8. Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday)


If you are thinking of looking for a companion pet, I invite you to consider adoption. HERE is the link to the shelter that welcomed Ellie. You can be part of a happy ending! And if you do, I’d love for you to share your story with us. There are never too many stories of Wines, Pets or Rescues Life lessons. The heart always has room for more love ❤

Salud 🥂!
Iro Rosario.

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